Fueled by death diablo 3
Fueled by death diablo 3

We do ask you not enjoy TOO much as the author verbally shits himself with delicious contempt over good, God-fearing Americans arming up to send a message to wanna-be despots. Seems the Washington Post “woke up to a hideous surprise.” Click HERE for a good bit of fun at some Prog journalist’s expense. – Tyler Durden Update II: Washington Post Notices… Getting Nervous Moonbats? It’s the next logical step after all… might as well stay ahead of it.

fueled by death diablo 3

223 Remington, black rifles, and magazines. Because it will once people think they have enough. Get them before the panic shifts that direction. If you want our opinion… we strongly advise you invest in a good set of rifle plates. The sort of panic that only comes from a people fearing they may need to shoot something besides paper targets… People ain’t paying $0.75 through $1.10 PER CARTRIDGE IN BULK for target shooting. Posted By: SilverDeth on December 30, 2012 Make arrangements with some South American Dictator now – it’s easier to handle the details of your exile before you are run out of the smoldering wreckage of America on a rail. Perhaps our betters ought to peruse THIS little gem. You think you’ll see a “bit” of “resistance” you effeminate toad? Well… if your “definition” of “resistance” is a titanic Civil War that will irrecoverably tear this nation into scores of blood soaked pieces, then yes, by God, you will meet with “resistance” – you filthy son-of-a-bitch. Hat-tip to LC Light29ID at the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler for alerting us to the self-anointed God-king warbling with David “Let-them-eat-cake” Gregory regarding his plot to strip away our God-given constitutional rights.

fueled by death diablo 3

‘Will there be resistance? Absolutely there will be resistance…” …you bet your god-damned Kenyan ass you’ll meet resistance you retch-inducing communist banker muppet… The real question is… are you aware what levels of “resistance” the patriots of this nation are prepared to bring to the table? Hrm? Cock-sucker.

fueled by death diablo 3

Posted By: SilverDeth on December 31, 2012

Fueled by death diablo 3